Thursday, March 20, 2008

a hunt for hummingbirds and green things

I am back. January and its thug friend February got the best of me this year. I went through a bleak mid-winter funk. But, I am back. Spring is here, or rather it's coming. Greta bounded out of the house today and announced to the neighborhood, "Well, it's a hunt for hummingbirds and green things, I guess." To my inquiry about this statement, she replied, "signs of Spring." She must have learned this at school, or made it up. I imagine that hummingbirds are signs of Spring, but I don't know that. I've never seen one in person. But, if I do see a hummingbird, I plan on lassoing the bugger and holding it hostage in my backyard. Mother Nature will know what she can do "spring" him loose. A hunt indeed.

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