Monday, August 18, 2008


Consider this a live feed.

Greta: Come on, Socks.

Graham: I have a good idea. I'm going to bend him.

Greta: No, I have a better idea than bending the cat, Graham. Let's put these fairies in a fairy house.

Graham: I'm bending him. Look. He's smiling at me.

Greta: Well, I'm going, Graham. I'll be back at midnight.

Greta: (to cat) (I'mnot sure when the transfer of cat happened) Are you my little boy?

Socks: Meow

Greta: Are you my little boy?

Socks: Meow

Greta: When are you going to be my little boy?

Greta: Watch Socks go in his little house. Graham, you hold this while I look for something to block him.

Shuffling around.

Socks: a high pitched Meow.

Greta: You want a new tail Socks?

Socks: Meow.

Greta: I'll let you go.

Socks walks into the room with me, his protectress. There is a ribbon tied around his tail.

Poor little cat? Poor little cat, my ass. First, there is nothing little about this cat. Second, he never hides from them. He's a cat. He fits under the couch. But, he walks up to them asking for more every day. Just for the record.

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