Tuesday, October 23, 2007

Graham's first joke

Graham is experiencing a language explosion. Everyday he's saying new things to me that I didn't even know he understood, let alone knew how to say. It's super fun. As I type he is talking to "own puppy," a little plastic dog that yelps when pulled by a string, about going to "Ema's house." Earlier today he told Greta, "Top (stop), Geta. Day-jrous. (Dangerous.)" Perhaps Graham knows a hidden danger to walking down the sidewalk. More likely, he was repeating what he had heard me say about crossing the street.

He also told his first joke. Greta's first joke was a one-liner, and come to think of it, falls right in line with her current sense of humor about the peculiarness of certain words. She turned to my mom and me and said, "San Diego." Her grandmother went berzerk at this little blonde saying San Diego with perfect pronunciation. And, Gret found that saying San Diego to many folks would bring about a chuckle.

Graham's first joke came about, of course, as an attempt to copy his sister. Greta was repeating, "ice-cream social," after a pre-school party, which was not an ice-cream social but brought up memories of an ice-cream social for a three-year-old. So, Graham joined in in his sloppy speech saying, "i-keen soshall." Hee hee. Then, he upped the ante. He was eating a bowl of mac and cheese and said, "noonie (noodle) soshall." This brought down the house, consisting of all four of us. So, he upped it again, turned to his dad and said, "pizza soshall."

It was really very funny . . . at least the first five or so times. We hoping that he adds to his repertoire soon.

1 comment:

sporto said...

On Greta's behalf...the San Diego joke is one of those "you had to be there" kind of jokes; and without mention of the "San Diego" line in the movie Madagascar it doesn't seem very funny at all. I must say, it got a good laugh out of me many times though, and thinking back at her age/size when she was delivering the joke/punchline combo, it was pretty *bleeping* hilarious for a clean joke.